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Entrepreneurs with ADD
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Life's Busy ... no wonder we forget things...Views: 1097
Aug 05, 2005 10:42 amLife's Busy ... no wonder we forget things...#

Sue T.
You know it is completely frustrating to forget things and have all these lists. Don't you think?

This weekend I went up to New York state and there, life is relatively simple. Feed the horses, hay the barn, pick up feed, call the vet and the blacksmith, mow the grass, work hard, mend the fence, eat, rest, begin the process the next day. (we do have to pay bills, taxes food shop too but it's weeks in advance because most have a garden, and meat stored in the freezer, canned goods etc.,)

Now, compare that with:

get up, get ready for work, drop children off to school, bring lunch, go to work, do an errand before work, work, have lunch, perhaps do errands at lunch, make phone calls, remember to pick up dinner, go food shopping, pay bills, do laundry, pick up after some family members too young to do it themselves, write out the do to lists so we don't forget, market, do articles, call friends, remember to schedule downtime, :) go home, start process over again.

Now for myself I know that anything that I am really interested in, I do. More mundane things I try to get over with so I don't have to deal with them later. Why? Because they're boring to me, don't hold my interest.

So, one thing that I find helps me to keep focused is I ask myself what I can do, or what really motivates me ???

What have I accomplished in the past? What were the circumstances? What triggered me at that time to really be able to focus on what I was doing?

How can I work around myself and do what I want to?

You all have accomplished things. We simply think faster, and for me all the time :) and in many different directions... so at what point and time, did you have something that you wanted to do, that put you in the position to have to perform?

How can you recreate that in your mind, and do it with something else?

Hmmm? You know you're capable. You've done it before.

Food for thought today.


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