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Entrepreneurs with ADD [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Here's a new joke...Views: 214
Dec 01, 2005 2:53 am Here's a new joke...

Stephanie Frank
A man and a woman with ADD are sitting on the couch, watching television. The woman says "I'd like you to go and get three things from the store, but I want you to write them down."

The man says "Don't worry! I can remember 3 things. What are they?"

The woman replies, "well, first is ice cream."

"Got it", said the man.

"The next is hot fudge", she continued.

"Okay", he said.

"and the third is whipped cream", she finished.

"No problem," said the man. "I'll be right back."

Ninety minutes passes, and when the man finally returns, he puts a small paper sack on the counter. It contains a ham sandwich.

The woman, taking one look inside the bag exclaims, "But, you forgot the mustard!"

Have a great day!


Private Reply to Stephanie Frank (new win)

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