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Entrepreneurs with ADD [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
The organizing project update - Part 1Views: 180
Nov 27, 2005 4:44 pm The organizing project update - Part 1

Stephanie Frank
Thought you'd appreciate an update on the organizing going on here in my life...

She came in on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, which was a blessing because it's usually a quiet business day. Now I've had other organizers in the past, but none like this woman.

You see, I've been working to manifest someone who understands business as well as the project of organization - well I think I've found someone. Jill has an MBA and is a former VP of a major trucking company. She not only understands finance, but also legal and administrative functions. The greatest thing is this - during our interview, she told me that not only will she get me organized, but she will maintain, do filing, legal reports, and any other stuff I didn't like to do, even running personal errands... (eureka!)

Okay, so we got down to work. All of my piles were moved into a single area and we began sorting. The whole time, she was also working on our office supply cabinet to make space. Then she started in on the filing cabinets. At the end of the day, I had a complete new filing system.

She came again the next day and worked on my main objective - how to manage my projects and tasks associated with them so everything did not end up in one big Inbox. Mission accomplished! At the end of the day, I now have a binder system for work in process and a filing system for completed work. (of course, now I have to DO that work...)

I really hadn't thought that disorganization was bothering me so much, but it was. It felt like a 500lb. weight was off my shoulders.

So here's what I've learned so far:

1. Know what you want from your organizing project.

I told Jill that I had ADD. Now I don't expect her to know what that means, so I developed a measuring stick by which we could determine whether a system was working.

(This is leadership in action, folks). I told her that I needed to be able to see through containers, and be able to access anything I wanted with one hand while on the phone in less than 15 seconds. If I can't do that, we change the system.

2. Hire someone who truly suits your needs.

I was looking for a combination organizer and administrative person for the little items I had to get done but never seemed to have time for. I got references and spoke with her several times before I hired her.

3. Lead the project.

Make sure your organizer knows your objectives. For me, the priority was to be able to get the minor things off my desk so I could be producing income in my designated areas. I even told her my goal of outsourcing everything in my personal and professional life so that I can do ONLY the things I love to do.

4. You CAN afford it.

Too often, I hear people (especially ADD people) saying they can't afford someone. The great thing about contractual workers is that you buy time. So if you can only afford one hour, then do that. Incremental is much better than trying to do it yourself.

5. Admit that you are weak in this area.

We tend to see things in black and white, and admitting a weakness sometimes means (in our own minds) that because we can't organize, we aren't good overall. Not true! It's time to get over the guilt and get the help you need. You are more intelligent than most - why waste that intelligence on filing papers?

I'll keep you posted as things roll out, but so far so good!


Stephanie Frank
Author, The Accidental Millioniare

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