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Serious QuestionViews: 228
Sep 26, 2005 11:18 pm Mari : Serious Question

Sue T.
Yah... that's pretty much what I'm talking about. That booooooooring feeling. And I can say the same about my daughter too. She's great! Gives me my quiet time on the computer because I'll do something with her later on, and it teaches her to learn to do that for herself as she gets older too.

So, just yesterday I was typing a really cool response to something in re: relationships, ... blip, ok... still have my thoughts, blip ... ok ok now wait a sec... blip, DAMN! Thoughts all gone :(

I know exactly what you're talking about...I mean people my age, unless I"m going to the wrong places, don't seem to want to "DO" anything! That I like anyway... dancing and stuff... can't blast the music and unwind anymore without 150 questions, interuptions etc., so I find I have to set time down for that... otherwise I just don't get it. By Friday? I'm fried! s'like... god... make it stop.

And you know, we love the little angels and I do things but at the same time, stimulating adult conversation? ugh... "not" about baking or the woman next door ?? And you know, these people aren't into coaching either so you tack that on there and it's like OMG... No mental stimulation.

Or you're getting into a movie right? And then there's 150 more questions... which initially you truly do not mind. Yet you know, when it gets to the 100th question, it's like "watch the movie and find out" ... right? So we miss what we were supposed to see, because we were explaining it, never mind the whole thought process.

For this one? I just get what I want and watch it after she goes to bed, but this can apply to "anything" we're watching... oye. Do I mind? Well... no. At the same time... it's like WOW ...

and you have 3? ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my goodness! I understand. Not as to this many but I do get it...

Have you ever seen the Bernie Mack show? LOL That guy is FUNNY!

So lately I've been working on getting myself some adult time but you know, we all have schedules to follow, homework etc., and when they're amusing themselves there's still the noise and distraction, which we'd never ever never give up but it's frustrating... you know? blip... and it's gone...

It's very similar to what I"m talking about. Yes...by george I think you've got it!

:) Sue

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