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I always KNEW I was endearing ...Views: 158
Sep 23, 2005 10:48 am aaaaaaagh : Warren : I always KNEW I was endearing ...

Sue T.
YUP! This is "exactly" what I've been talking about! :) Long? Naaah... have you seen some of my posts? This is short LOL ...

I've got the boundaries part. When I'm blindsided by a behavior is when it bothers me the most.

I've been calling this a gift for a while because if we can tune "into" it instead of being sucked into the emotion, its very beneficial. I'm highly sensitive ... while it's helpful in so many ways, there are things that often times, I certainly don't need to see or feel. I never looked at it as a bad thing though. The only thing was of course was that I wasn't believed. In this regard it was tough because others can't see what I can see in another.

Until of course, it became more evident later on down the line to others who were not as intuitive.

I always wondered why others couldn't see it. I mean "its right there!" Granted many people walk around with blinders on yet in the same breath I used to think they were wearing a Hood for goodness sake! This was puzzling to me for obvious reasons. And frustrating.

Oh boy do I have stories!

Now for everyone else... Warren here, who is right about boundaries ... is saying things that ... are true. (I just woke up :) so I'm formulating.) I found that the more I got to know myself, the more I stuck to my beliefs, learned to convey them to others, "remained" assertive and learned how to communicate better as to what I saw, so that others didn't feel as transparent, the more confident I became. In what I saw, and in what I felt.

I'll tell you. This is tough when you're faced with people who don't see and think like you. However, I still view it as a gift. And I now trust myself alot more in what I see... because I've got many examples that I can refer to where I saw something, watched it evolve etc., and I was right.

So I'm "clear" it's not about being right. It's more about learning how to trust these feelings we get and learning how to focus on the difference between "our" emotions, and the emotions of others.

One thing that I do is I ask myself if this is about me. Is what I'm feeling about me. That helps.

Or I force myself to "STOP" and I'll say that out loud... that can work :) so I shut my brain up long enough to gain clarity into a situation. AND never underestimate talking to a person who is unbiased about what is going on because they are "not" emotionally involved in the situation.

What you need when you talk to someone? About things like this? Is someone who is going to listen and understand. So it helps you to decipher what's going on. I can sift though anything very quickly when met with understanding. Thus I learn for the next time a situation shows up, how to sift through it again, only this time faster.

See what I'm saying? Emotional awareness is very important in this arena. Because you all, and myself as well... have to learn how to sift through not only YOURS but others as well!

This is GREAT!

Sue T.

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