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Entrepreneurs with ADD [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
I always KNEW I was endearing ...Views: 178
Sep 23, 2005 6:35 am re: Warren : I always KNEW I was endearing ...

Warren Simonoff
Sue -

I know exactly what you mean. Yes, many of us are hypersensitive and very intuitive, bordering on psychic.

I think we are so empathetic and caring since we have experienced challenges in our lives, that when we are with someone that is having emotional issues, we key into that person. I think that trips our empathetic circuit breaker to relate to that person and also elicits an emotional response in us. Having that negative emotion triggered by the other person goes beyond what one would think happens to someone observing it; however, for us it can be a safe haven of familiarity. It's similar to a rumination. Without proper treatment ADDers can ruminate for days or longer about a minute incident where they "beat themselves up." It's really illogical, but it happens. Part of overcoming that as well as overcoming overly relating to another's emotional reaction, is being aware of it.

Frankly, we don't deserve to do that to ourselves. Yes, we can feel empathy, but establishing boundaries so that we understand that we have to take care of ourselves FIRST. Not being selfish but when we're best to ourselves, others in concentric circles benefit.

I hope that helps; that's my spin on it. Sorry for the long response. Delete me any time...[smiles].

Warm wishes,
ADD Coach

Private Reply to Warren Simonoff (new win)

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