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Entrepreneurs with ADD [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Hi!Views: 154
Sep 20, 2005 8:18 pm Hi!

Sue Sedam
Hi Everyone!

I just saw a program where they was talking about offices with ADD workers. They stated on this program that ADD people think different then the "norm" (here I thought I was norm and other where different. ummmmmm). The program stated that most ADD people pile file. While that is great for the person who knows where things are it it totally confusing for anyone else that needs to retrieve something off that person's desk. They stated that horizon filing while will be used by a ADD person that is not their most desired way of filing. So, they brought in a vertical file center that sits on the wall or it can be mounted on the desk. labeled the slots so all could see and find what they was looking for. When they came back to check on this office they found that the system that they had sat up had been working so well that the office had gotten more vertical filing centers. I know that I am a pile file person myself. I know what are in each of my piles on my desk move a paper to a different stack and I'm lost for life. So, have any of you tried the vertical filing?

Hope that you all are having a GREAT Day!!!!!

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