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Heello Again :)Views: 181
Sep 02, 2005 4:21 am Russ : Heello Again :)

Sue T.
LOL :) I like your decorating scheme (yellow post its) I was laughing as I read this. Sadly I'm exhausted and need rest now ...

HOWEVER! I ALSO invested in a small recorder that students use in college. It has I believe 2.5 hrs of recording time on it and a connection and program where I can download it... or would that be upload(?) on my computer and save it forever.

On this I put all my ideas I have while driving the car so I don't forget them. Then I play them back. I'm always pleasantly surprised by the good things I hear :)

They have more expensive models of this type of recorder. Mine was $35.00 and the ones I've seen else where can run up to $100.00. For my purposes, mine is just right.

That "could" alleviate the need for the post its. For now though I'll stick to using it for my thoughts and ideas during the day.

Night all... :)

Sue T.

LOL But they multiply LOL I know exactly what you mean! LOL which by the way is the reason I have a small pad on my desk. I keep a running list and then mark off what I've done. Leaving something less important for the following day in order of priority. In this manner I can do the few things on the post it and know I've accomplished what I need to in that moment.

Nite ...

Private Reply to Sue T. (new win)

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