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Heello Again :)Views: 145
Sep 02, 2005 1:37 am Heello Again :)

Sue T.
Ok all of you creative people! :)

Know what I can do? Hmmm? I can listen to a conversation without paying attention and tell you the highlights!

Isn't that the coolest gift on earth? You're all probably thinking that's perhaps a silly thing... however... I find it to be the most amazing thing.

I have another idea for you guys too... :) SHOCKING!

On my desk at my day job, I have a pad. Every day I write things on it that I need to do, either for the day or week. So I have one at home right? And one at work. Ok then... THEN what I do, is I take a post it and on my lunch hour, I have say 3 things that I can do within a 4-10 mile radius from my job. I put those few things on that post it.

In order of distance as to the fastest way possible to get it done and come back full circle ok?

The post it comes with me and I place it on my dash. Why? Because it STICKS! that's why! LOL

Lunch is over... list is done. Cool hu? AND I didn't forget a thing...

Cool beans if you ask me.

Sue T. :)

Come on people... anyone else do neat things to enhance their performance other than the norm? Hmmmmm ?

p.s. By the way true to my other post I made on saying the word of the thing you want to do over and over again while you go to the other room I did that just this afternoon... still distracted by other things I "still" remembered to get what I needed when I ran in the house on my errands.

See? So it works... did anyone else try this deliciously simple yet effective idea?

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