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Entrepreneurs with ADD [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
ADD is just a bunch of letters ...And a Story About a Cricket friend of mine.Views: 130
Aug 13, 2005 12:45 pm ADD is just a bunch of letters ...And a Story About a Cricket friend of mine.

Sue T.
I feel that with a label comes certain perceived limitations. While having ADD can be a pain :) it's just three little letters. I know that when I focus my attention on things, figure out what time of day or what time of the week I am more apt to be able to focus I do some of my best work ...

Also, the ability to stop and jot thoughts down etc., with a recorder or on a slip of paper for later is always a plus and my mind "always" remembers what my point was and I can elaborate on it.

You can too.

A little story about a cricket friend of mine... I hope you enjoy it.

While at a friends house this weekend, sitting on the deck, sipping my coffee and reading a good book, I saw this little cricket. He was there the day before, hopping around the deck ... with no particular place in mind to go.

It seemed every time I looked, there he was. He started to project himself up and out, and each time he hit the house. The house was the same color as the deck, a light gray color. Yet he still tried anyway... such perseverence right? No clue what he was doing but still trying just the same.

I watched him do this a few times. Then I thought ... what are you doing? ... and I said to him ... "You're still here? Don't you know there's a big wide world out there for you to go to?"

As I spoke out loud, I heard my voice trail off ... and I found myself stuck on that one thought. The life we create for ourselves can often be so structured. Responsibilities, every day same old safe routine.

After watching him for a while, I got up and went over, picked him up and walked him over to let him go just past the deck into the wooded area that was there. I had him cupped in my hand, yet when I went to let him loose, he stayed on my finger.

I thought that was pretty cool. So I squatted down and said, "What's the matter little guy?" You ok?? He just kinda looked at me with those bug eyes ... as if evaluating if my finger was safer than this vast world before him.

Then, he hopped off and disappeared. He had made his decision.

I started thinking how tough it can be to be on a deck (have a structured and responsible "safe" life) and not go out into the woods (go out and take some risks, make some changes in our own lives) ... then, since I was overwhelmed by all of the thoughts that flooded my brain, I sat down to write this article so I would remember this seemingly insignificant event that forced me to look inward at myself.

So lets think about this for a moment shall we? What are some of your needs? wants? desires? that perhaps you've been putting off for one reason or another?

What are you planning on doing to get to that point in your life?

Take baby steps if need be, but take them just the same.

Don't let the world intimidate you, it's there for the taking! Get out there and start doing things.

Sue T.

p.s. Don't allow some label to stop you from doing what you really want to. Isn't that what delegation is for? Or knowing yourself well enough to trigger that enthusiasm for what you want better?

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