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Still walking around doing everything "but" what you intended ?Views: 150
Aug 02, 2005 4:26 pm Nirmala : Still walking around doing everything "but" what you intended ?

Sue T.
Hey Nirmala :) wow, thank you so much for your kind words. You know? I still get all teary eyed and mushy when someone says this... but in a good way. So thank you...

Wash, wash, wash LOL :) Now that's funny!

You know, another thing that I noticed as well... I can go quite blank if I want to do an article sometimes. It's like my mind decides to go on vacation regardless of the fact that during the day I had a kajilion good ideas flowing freely through it. But sit down? And I have written many, and go to do one? Like "on purpose"? I'm done, fried, staring at the screen like... what the ...????

So, since my brain apparently has "stage fright" or "performance anxiety" lol ... I've changed that. When ever the mood "hits" me and I have an idea and I'm near a computer I RUN to the computer! TURN IT ON START TYPING FURIOUSLY AND VIOLA!! cool things come out... :)

We can't do that all the time but we "can" keep a blog and write down tips and thoughts and on a particularly clear day where my mind decides it feels like being fiesty, I go and filter through and use what I have.

I had to figure out what motivates me to do something.

Each on of you here? Is MORE than capable of setting a task and getting it done, otherwise your laundry would be in the barn touching the rafters, your grass overgrown, your legs resembling that of a rare ostrich with plumes of feathers sprouting out of your head :) LOL (I think I just sufficiently amused myself ...)

So... since we're all easily distracted... Tell me "what times have any of you guys have something that you needed to focus on and "what did you do, to do that"? In other words, my website for example. I was so lethargic about getting that done until I realized that the changes that I wanted to make hadn't been made, and thus I didn't make any.

So there I was thinking how horrid I am for not producing more things to add when in reality I was "stuck" more by the fact that what I had already sent to my friend hadn't been done yet.

So, I told him he needs to do it a.s.a.p because blank pages and getting those notices makes me feel that things are getting done, I feel motivated because I can now, with faith send changes and things to add and know that I "must" do this ...

So, what are you all about? How do you perform the best?

The more frustrated you get with yourself, the more difficult it will become to focus right? So work with it... although yes, sometimes it's annoying... :) and a bit frustrating...

we're what? Unique and unpredictable! Oh so not boring ... Shame on those clock watchers!!! (just kidding clock watchers... that's a skill I need a timer for or when I'm hungry I certainly know what time it is, I'm just making a little joke :) ...)

Again thank you for this joke Nirmala, I've been there as well LOL bouncin around like Tigger with Piglet watching me do everything and nothing inparticular.

Sue T.
Life & Relationship Coach
hey can anyone remember my tag line? :) Kidding!

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