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Still walking around doing everything "but" what you intended ?Views: 176
Aug 02, 2005 2:35 pm Still walking around doing everything "but" what you intended ?

Sue T.
LOL how many of you have gotten up from the computer or where ever thought how you'd just go get a pen. Got in the other room, noticed the dishes were there from breakfast, did those, then noticed the crumbs on the counter, cleaned those, smelled the fresh pot of coffee you made, thought that was a great idea, poured yourself a cup. Feeling quite accomplished doing the few little things to tidy up you gleefully go back to your computer.

Only to find .. what? You still don't have a pen :)

Since you know you do this, and we already talked about the "lists" as reminders which are great, very helpful etc.,

Try this... on your way in the room, say (whatever it is) pen, pen, pen, pen ... in your head as you go. Go "straight" to the pen, get it ... on your way back, "then" you can do those dishes but put the pen where you can see it. So you remember to grab it on your way back after you've wiped the crumbs off and grabbed a cup of coffee... you can even simply continue saying pen in your head as you do the other things.

Do give yourself that mental focus break by allowing yourself to sneak something else to do when you are stuck in a chair for a long time, otherwise you'll get fidgety and frustrated and soon ... just be fidgety and frustrated. Take a little break, let yourself breath a little and of course we always can break it down into segments so as not to be bored out of our skulls.

Make your outline one day, fill in some content the next, you'll have some of the things complete on the day where you feel great and it will be 1/2 done already.

Just a few things to share with you I thought you may all find helpful.

I'm not crazy! (She thought to herself...) I'm unique and unpredictable :)

Sue T.
Life & Relationship Coach
Confidence is Silent. It need not defend itself.
It simply exists inside you.

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