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How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?Views: 821
Sep 22, 2005 3:25 pmHow many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Stephanie Frank

"Wanna go for a bike ride?"

Hope you're all having a great day...

Stephanie Frank
Author, The Accidental Millionaire

Private Reply to Stephanie Frank

Sep 22, 2005 3:43 pmre: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Scott Allen

Funny! My answer:

"What? The lights are off?"

Private Reply to Scott Allen

Sep 22, 2005 4:30 pmre: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Mariangie Gonzalez
LOL! Very Funny! LOL!

Private Reply to Mariangie Gonzalez

Sep 22, 2005 5:13 pmre: re: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Warren Simonoff
Enjoyed your Great answers!

It depends on the height of the ceiling and whether a new ladder is required [The old one is buried in the garage somewhere next to grandma...I think],the circumference of the bulb thread, the net lumens of the bulb, the return policy where the bulb was purchased; and finally, a First Aid Kit.

P.S. Often overanalysis creates paralysis. The above answer, with all of its "labyrinthian" steps, a replacement bulb may never find its way to the ceiling...[Smiles].

Warren Simonoff
ADD Coach

Private Reply to Warren Simonoff

Sep 22, 2005 5:34 pmre: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Eva N. Denes
In my case, I would look for the light bulb in the cupboard where we keep them, but when I get there I would notice the measurement tape that I was looking for the other day, so I'd go and measure the chair I was going to yesterday. Oh, but when I get to the chair, I'll notice my daughter's brush on the table, would take it back to the bathroom... there I would remember that I have to do the laundry, and after a while I would wonder what is the light bulb doing at the top of the table?

Private Reply to Eva N. Denes

Sep 22, 2005 6:05 pmre: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Scott Allen

THAT'S it Eva... exactly!

I have a whole stack of unfinished tasks around the house (and personally) because of that.

Private Reply to Scott Allen

Sep 22, 2005 6:18 pmre: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Russ Jackman
My response ...

Go to the store to buy a lightbulb, intending to replace the burnt-out bulb with an energy-saving compact fluorescent. Get to the store, see that CF bulbs come in different color temperatures. Engage in an informative discussion with the sales clerk for 20 minutes about the benefits of the different colors, but decide that the subject requires more research.

Go back home, get online, and research CF technologies and the effects of different light temperature on moods, find charts that help determine the required number of lumens for the square footage of the room (after measuring to be sure), and finally decide on the wattage and temperature of the light that I now require. Back at the store, I compare brands, warranties and technical specifications carefully before deciding to buy the one that was on sale after all.

Get home, and find to my dismay that the CF bulb is slightly larger than the old-style filament bulb, and thus will not fit in the fixture. Seeing how I have determined that this specific bulb provides the type of light I now need (the previous bulb was apparently not suitable for me according to my research and new-found knowledge), I take my bulb to the lighting store to find a new fxiture that will accomodate this ideal light.

Purchase a new fixture, take it home, and head downstairs to get the ladder and tools. See that the handrail is a little loose, so while I have my tools out I'll just give it a quick tightening. While tightening the railing, I see that the staircase is a little dingy and needs to be repainted. Fortunately, I bought some paint several weeks ago for a project I can't remember now, but it turns out the color and quanitity is perfect for painting the staircase. I decide to remove the railing, get my paint supplies, and start painting ...


And so the story of ADD Russ continues. I was just thinking, since ADD'ers have a challenge finishing things (but definitely not a problem starting them!), I think the following slogan fits ... "ADD - The Adventure Never Ends!" :)


Private Reply to Russ Jackman

Sep 22, 2005 7:14 pmre: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Russ Howard

Hmmm. Let's think about this. At least 5 for the planning stage. One for the management. Then, at least two of the planners would feel that the manager was totally screwing things up and would either walk out or would stage a coup and take over. In the process of the coup, one of the two would do something dumb and get fired. So, we would need two more guys to replace the two that were lost. So far, we're up to 8. After that, they would continue with the planning, but would get so caught up in doing it perfectly, that they would get caught up in "analysis paralysis". Then the owner of the house, whose trying to get the light bulb replaced, would fire the whole team for the schedule delay. He would then hire a new team and they would take up the planning. So far, we're up to 14.

Finally, the plan would be finished. One of the planners would be assigned to go to gas up the car. He would go and see the ice cream cooler and would take 20 minutes deciding which ice cream to buy. He would forget to buy gas and be fired when he gets back. So, we need another one to replace him. 15. This time two guys would be sent to get gas, in case one forgets. When they get to the gas station, they would see the beer cooler. They would get a case of Heineken. They would remember to get gas, but would be so drunk when they got back, they would have to be fired. Replace them and we have 17.

Now, the whole team goes to Home Depot. Two guys are assigned to get a ladder. Two guys to get light bulbs (several in case others need changing or some break). Two guys are assigned to get one of those telescoping light bulb changers (even though it's a regular height ceiling, it may be needed for other light bulbs in the future). The ladder guys are both gardeners and decide to take a detour into the garden area. They cannot be found when it is time to leave. The telescoping guys get sidetracked talking to the cute checkout girl. They decide to stay behind to "chat her up" and see which one she likes better. The two light bulb guys pay for the light bulbs and they go back home. Now, the other four need replacing. 21. When they arrive back home, it is found that the light bulb guys got the wrong bulbs. They are the wrong size and regular bulbs, not compact flourescent bulbs. They are promptly fired. 23.

Now, the new 6 have to go back to home depot and do the original job (by the way, by now, we are on day 5 of "The Great Light Bulb Change"). Two get the ladder, two get the telescoping, and two get light bulbs. They get what they think is needed and drive home. Unfortunately, by thinking they know best, they didn't follow the plan. They got the wrong ladder (extension, not step). They got the wrong bulbs (halogen, not compact flourescent), and they got the wrong telescoper (they got a pole saw, not a light bulb changer). All 6 are fired. 29.

The new 6 are sent to Lowe's, because of the embarassment of another group returning to Home Depot. They get a ladder, telescoping changer, and light bulbs. Unfortunately, they find the left over beer in the car and don't realize they are speeding. They are pulled over by a cop and are arrested for DUI. The car and the equipment are impounded for evidence. A new 6 are needed. 35.

Bummer. Now these 6 go to Lowes and get everything that's needed. Unfortunately, on the way home, they are sideswiped by an 18 wheeler and are put in the hospital. A new 6 are needed. 41.

After talking with the new 6, the owner decides "To heck with it. I'll do it myself". The 6 are fired and the owner takes over, gets all the equipment needed, and replaces the light bulb.

SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO ... the answer is ... 42!!!!! After all, isn't that the answer to everything? :-)

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

P.S. Sue, I told you I could live a lifetime in my head :-)

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 22, 2005 10:39 pmre: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Warren Simonoff
Eva -

Just think of the aerobics of mileage you get out of this!


Private Reply to Warren Simonoff

Sep 22, 2005 10:48 pmre: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Warren Simonoff
Russ -

Yes, I relate to "living a lifetime in my head." I can't seem to get away from myself; I take myself wherever I go. When I have "alone time," is it really alone? Hey, but how boring it would be without the flood of creative ideas/solutions that make a difference.

Anyway...Loved your "light bulb" answer. Sounded like a verbal Rube Goldberg cartoon.

What a bland, banal boneheaded planet this would be without US! {smiles}

Warm wishes,

Private Reply to Warren Simonoff

Sep 23, 2005 4:44 pmre: re: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Eva N. Denes
Hi Warren,

This is why I'm always on the move :))))


Private Reply to Eva N. Denes

Sep 23, 2005 7:03 pmre: re: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Russ Howard


Actually though, it's "Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy", where 42 is the answer to everything.

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 29, 2005 3:47 pmre: re: re: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Stephanie Frank
Ohmygosh!!! I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying! And if the truth be told, there are 4 lightbulbs out on 2 ceiling fans in my living room. It's driving me crazy but I don't know where the ladder or the lightbulb changer thingie is (because my husband put it away in a non-ADD-friendly way), so what's the solution?

Light candles. There. Problem solved.

Have a great day, everybody!


Private Reply to Stephanie Frank

Sep 29, 2005 4:18 pmre: re: re: re: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Russ Jackman
"4" lightbulbs in "2" ceiling fans ... "4" ... "2" ... "42" ...

Gee, Russ, you were right ... it IS the answer to everything!

(Actually, Russ, 42 is the answer to 'life, the universe, and everything' ... we don't want to limit ourselves to just 'everything' now, do we?)


Private Reply to Russ Jackman

Oct 01, 2005 2:23 amre: re: re: re: re: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Sheila Berkowitz

Sheila Berkowitz

Private Reply to Sheila Berkowitz

Oct 01, 2005 4:40 amre: re: re: re: re: re: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Russ Howard

Ah, but we do need to limit ourselves to just everything - if we want to focus properly. :-)

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Oct 02, 2005 2:12 pm ROFLMBO : How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

Sue T.
Ya just gotta love this ... hahahahha!!!

That's whut a'm talkin' about! Humor. Worlds best medicine... aaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh....

Actually, I have to say I'm the happiest when I'm doing many things at one time... course I'm exhausted after that and nothings been completed hahaha!

One thing I'm not is a perfectionist... although, things DO have to have their place... that's for sure. Otherwise I'm like ... where is it! As long as I know where it is I'm happy.

Sue T.
Life and Relationship Coach

Confidence is Silent. It doesn't defend itself.
It simply exists inside of you.

Moderator of Comfortable in Your Own Shell !

Private Reply to Sue T.

Nov 02, 2005 4:14 pmre: How many ADDers does it take to change a lightbulb?#

DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist
One to check his/her palm pilot to see if he/she has enough time to change the lightbulb.

One to remind the other ADD person to change the light bulb.

One to find the light bulb.

One to find the ladder.

One to change the light bulb.

Hee Hee.


Private Reply to DeAnna Troupe, Video Marketing Specialist

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