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ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3Views: 1435
Aug 25, 2005 11:16 amADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sue T.
I recently purchased Omega 3 Fish oil & Omega 6 because I heard that the benefits help with attention deficit. As you can see in this portion of the article in this link http://www.mercola.com/2001/sep/8/omega_3.htm here.

I only bought it last week and I'm not 100% sure yet if there is a big difference but we shall see.

There is an abundance of information on Mercola's site. I hope you find it useful.

Sue T.


Sue Tosto
Life and Relationship Coach

Confidence is Silent. It doesn't defend itself.
It simply exists inside of you.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Aug 25, 2005 11:07 pmre: ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Mariangie Gonzalez
I'm buying some this week, to give to my son and for me too.


Private Reply to Mariangie Gonzalez

Aug 25, 2005 11:32 pm ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sue T.
Make sure you research carefully not only the entire article but the dosage, I don't know how old your son is though.

It seems to be working for me ... although in another month I'll be more sure because I will have been taking it longer.


Sue T.

P.S. Keep us all posted about how it works for you two. Ok? I will too. Promise.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Sep 15, 2005 3:00 pmre: ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Mariangie Gonzalez
Sue, I was wondering, how is it working with you? Any visible results yet?

I started using it about a week ago (I guess it's too soon to see any results) and will start my son and daughter (for her asthma) on it today, I expect to see more obvious results in my son's school performance, I will keep you posted.

Take Care,

Private Reply to Mariangie Gonzalez

Sep 15, 2005 3:14 pmre: ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Russ Howard

Another one you can try is Don Lemmon's Perfect EFA Oil Blend.

I have been using it for years (off and on). When I'm on it, I definitely notice a difference. You can check it out at Don's website.

He is a personal trainer and nutritionist to the stars. He has a lot of good information about nutrition and training on his site and in his books and videos.

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 15, 2005 3:22 pmre: re: ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Mariangie Gonzalez
Thanks for the link!


Private Reply to Mariangie Gonzalez

Sep 15, 2005 5:23 pmre: re: ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sue T.
I'm sorry I did not see this. Well it's been a month and to be honest I got sick last week and I'm just getting over it. I'll have to think about it ... I think it could be working ... it's been what? perhaps a month?

I also pay attention to what times of day I"m the most productive or month for that matter. Just the distraction of my daughter saying, Mom, Mom, mom ... know what I mean? Can make me forget what the devil I was thinking... so :)

I've been doing the other things with post its too ... so in a way perhaps the combination of everything is showing improvement as well.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Sep 15, 2005 8:39 pmre: re: re: ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sylvia Svihel
Hi Everyone, has anyone been looking for the cause of ADD or just for something to help after the fact?

The typical home contains 63 products containing hazardous chemicals. Cancer, ADD, birth defects, asthma, infertility, miscarriage and other profound health problems have all been linked to chemicals in these common household products.

Take Care and God Bless


Private Reply to Sylvia Svihel

Sep 15, 2005 9:18 pmre: re: re: re: ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Russ Howard

I am not a doctor or even in the medical field, but I have been ADHD all my life and I have been reading seriously on it and the rest of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders (Autism, Bipolar, Dyslexia, etc.) for the last 6 years.

I am in the process of writing a computer program to help therapists, doctors, and parents deal with these problems.

I was on Ritalin before they knew they needed to adjust the dosages, back in 1971, and was on it for 5 years.

My son is ADHD, Dyslexic, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, and exhibits some autistic-like behaviors. My wife is Dyslexic and ADD. I am also Bipolar.

I tell you this to give you some background of where I speak from. From the research and books I have read, unless the problem was due to some kind of birth trauma, my OPINION is that these diseases are a combination of allergies, malnutrition, and some of the dumb things we do to ourselves (like give babies mega virus combinations preserved with Mercury. What rocket scientist came up with that moronic idea?)

I say malnutrition, because I have read in several articles recently how our food doesn't give us the nutrition it once did. For example, although my memory of the exact numbers may be off, the general idea is the same. I read a study recently that said it would take something like 60 bowls of spinach today to get the same amount of nutrition as was in one bowl of spinach grown in the 1920's. Don't ask me where. I can't remember exactly. That's a pretty serious falloff, isn't it?

Allergies can manifest themselves in many ways from stopping breathing to being distracted and unable to focus. Thus, they mimic and enhance the main symptoms of ADHD, sometimes.

Although I have heard of carcinogens, allergens, and other nasty stuff in cleaning supplies around the house, I have never heard of them being related to PDD diseases either by studies or by circumstantial evidence.

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 16, 2005 4:39 amRoss : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sue T.
This is great... that you know so much about this... I've had symptoms forever. One person asked me many years ago if I had it and I looked it up many moons later and everything it talked about was me.

All the things that they suggested to do were also things that I had worked out to do for myself without meds, I'm able to focus completely on the things I enjoy with no problem but don't let me be understimulated. I become extremely bored. Yet that can be anyone.

So I don't view it as a ... negative. I know that my mind processes things differently than most. Once I accepted that ... What I notice is that when I read something with ALOT of information. For the next day or so, or a week if I read quite a bit, my mind sifts through this info and puts it into a folder in my mind... when I need it, it just comes up but in laymens terms, simplified. I think that's pretty cool ... whereas instead of getting frustrated I don't recall it verbatim I'm happy it's processed in a manner that everyone can understand ... you know?

How about you? Do you find this to be true of yourself? OR any one else here? What do you think?

Sue T.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Sep 16, 2005 5:21 amre: Ross : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Russ Howard

Believe me, I DON'T know a lot about this. I merely know enough to know that there is a TON more information that SHOULD be out there, that is not. That's part of what the software I'm writing solves. It can be used for any of the PDD disorders, but is mostly geared towards Autistic, Asperger's, and Sensory Integration Dysfunction kids.

I can't go into too much more than that until it is done and ready for market.

I got into it because of my son and his friends, first. However, I also got into it, because I was disgusted with the lies of the NIH, who in a 6 MONTH study stated that thimerosal has absolutely NO relation to Autism; with the often conflicting information that is out there; with the studies done on 12 people that are cited as gold in the JAMA; with the way people were starting to blame the parents of these kids; with the inability of the vaunted medical community, who has supposedly been studying this stuff since the 1950's, to even come up with a CAUSE for Autism, let alone a cure. Do I sound bitter? upset? furious?

You bet I am!! I let these doctors EXPERIMENT on me from age 5 to age 10, because they were too dense to notice that Ritalin made me a zombie and figure out that my dosage needed to go down. That's 5 years of my childhood I'll never get back. I have watched my son go through 4 years of therapy and have to move overseas with my wife and other son (overseas being the Philippines) for two years. For the first three years it was 2X per week each for speech, occupational, and physical therapy. What kind of a childhood is that? I watched them give him tegritol, because they thought he was epileptic, only to make the seizures worse and almost kill him. I watched Autistic kids have to change therapists every 6 months because one of the best hospitals for kids in our state was unable to keep the therapists, because they wouldn't pay them or because some bureaucratic idiot decided the therapies were getting too expensive for their insurance company to authorize. AUTISTIC KIDS!! The ones who can't stand change of any kind. And then they wondered why there was never much progress with the kids. DUH!!!

Sorry for my rant, but there's a lot balled up inside after seeing and being a part of so much.

As for your comments, yes, I know exactly what you mean. I am completely self taught in programming and find myself constantly fighting boredom, as well as constantly processing things I read. I'll read something that interests me and be going over it for a week in my head, no matter what is going on around me (Ok, so I'm OCD too.). It drives my wife nuts. I feel like Walter Mitty sometimes.

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 16, 2005 3:46 pmHey Ross : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sue T.
I can understand your frustration. Not first hand I didn't go through these things as you have, yet I can see it's a tough situation and has been for a very long time. I'm sorry to hear this. I'd be frustrated as well... :) Hey venting is good !

I've often wondered if OCD is a form of or part of ADD/ADHD because of the symptoms.. they're not identical but in a way... if you think about it, to keep things organized and everything have it's place so we can remember things and keep things where they need to be and to do lists etc., so we don't forget, perhaps that has the appearance of OCD. What do you think about that? :)

I think it makes sense although I understand what you're saying as well with more severe cases of OCD as well...

forgive me but who is Walter Mitty? :)

Sue T.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Sep 16, 2005 4:26 pmre: Hey Ross : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Russ Howard

OCD is in the Pervasive Developmental Disorder spectrum, along with Autism, Aspergers, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, and a whole slew of others. Basically, what this group of Psychiatrists/Psychologists called the DSM IV group (I can't remember what DSM stands for, but they meet every so often) is they took a whole bunch of diseases/disorders that they suspected were related to the brain and lumped them all together in a group called pervasive developmental disorders. They had/have no idea what causes them, how to cure them, how they were/are related, what makes them brain related. All the did know was that they were psychologists and had to have something to do. So, they VOTED these diseases into official existence.

Why do I say that? Because when I was a kid, and on Ritalin, there was no such thing as ADD or ADHD. I was just a hyperactive kid (break down the word. It means overly active. I was being penalized for being what a kid was supposed to be.). ADHD did not come into "official existence until the DSM IV meeting in 1988. Let me explain one of the reasons I'm so upset.

My sons and wife had to go to the Philippines for 2 years for my eldest son's educational progress. First, let me say, I don't really blame the education system or the teachers. However, my son was in pre-preschool for children with disabilities at age 4 and 5 in the school system here. We knew Josh was ADHD. Almost EVERY DAY, we got a call from either the teacher or the principal telling us that we should put Josh on Ritalin. How much better he would do on it. These were TEACHERS! Not medical professionals. I told them "When you show me your medical degree, that's when he'll go on Ritalin! Oh, don't have one? Well, I guess today won't be the day I put him on Ritalin then.". What they wanted was a child who would sit and stare dumbly at the blackboard.

Teachers are underpaid and overworked for what they are expected to do (at least the good ones are). Anything we can do to make their job easier or better, we should seriously consider. However, I draw the line at handing my kid a line of speed and saying "do this!". That's right, speed! Ritalin, according to the US FDA, is a class 3 narcotic, as is Aderall. What else are class 3 narcotics? Speed, Crank, Ice, Cocaine, Crack. And this is supposed to HELP our kids?

So, we refused the request/demand. when they tried to put too much pressure on us, they went to the Philippines for two years. He absolutely flourished over there. He still had his problems, but he GREATLY improved. The differences were several. Over there he had a lot of older kids to try and be like (cousins). Role models are good. Over there we discovered his allergies to eggs, chicken, cheese, peanuts, milk, chocolate, some seafoods, and a few other things (trigger for behavior problems). Most importantly, he was allowed to be a kid. Over here they see an active kid in school and they say put him on Ritalin. He's a distraction. What are we, Robots? Over there they say he's just being a kid. Guide him when he screws up, but let him enjoy his childhood. Big attitude shift. Big results. I know it was everything together, but people seriously need to be careful about medical diagnoses. Especially when they don't come from doctors. It's too easy these days to say "Oh, you don't feel well? Take a pill." or "You don't fit into my definition of what's normal. Take a pill."

I've been Bipolar (manic depressive) my whole life. It is what has given me my creative side. Without it, I'm just a number crunching coder. With it, I write songs, I play guitar, I woodwork my own designs, I Architect Computer Systems, I create Graphical User Interfaces. I'm not going to destroy the one thing that has allowed me to earn a living. Some of the brightest minds were along the PDD spectrum. Kurt Cobain (song writer for Nirvana) was manic depressive. Albert Einstein was ADHD. There are a bunch of others I could name.

Walter Mitty is a character in a book "The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty". He can live an entire lifetime in his head in the time it takes his wife to go in to the hairdresser's and get a haircut. It's really a neat book.

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 16, 2005 4:55 pmResponse: Hey Ross : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sue T.
I agree with what you're saying with society saying "give the kid a pill" or an adult for that matter. Unless "absolutely necessary" and even then, are people "sure" about that. It's always concerned me.

I'm glad to hear that your son has improved due to a better environment. I don't like the idea of shut up, sit still, children should be seen and not heard either.

I had my daughters parent teacher meeting and one question I asked the teacher after her talking to all of use about how "good" the kids were... was, I respect you want to children to be good etc., however, what do you do about assertiveness? One can easily slip into the other and a child may view "being good" as "always" keeping our mouth shut for many things in life because "they are being good" or their perception of what they feel good is, as it is taught in school.

That stuff about children being seen not heard you know? I understand what you're saying... (I'm not in your shoes, again, however I empathise...)

I know a guy, or knew a guy he passed away a few years back at the age of 35. He was a hyperactive child (due to his environment and family history and a slew of other variables) so they put him on ritalin as well. One thing led to the other for this guy and as he got older, my take was ... have issues take a pill, one thing led to the other and before you knew it he had a severe drug problem. He was never "right" behaviorally... I have a very strong belief that with different circumstances, his death which was due to an overdose, this fella's life would have and could have turned out much differently. So we'd be talking about ... say almost 40 years ago at this juncture. In his case he not only was put on that but his family life was such that a child could "not" be normal under any circumstances but instead act out and do things that were hyper. It was a shame. He was quite brilliant.

LOL I can live a life of my own in my head too LOL :) Sounds like an interesting book.

Finally! people to talk to over here! :) Hey you're also a member in Dean's network as well. I noticed that this morning. :) HI!

Oh and I compliment you on your courage in standing your ground as it pertained to what was best for your child. Many would have gone with it. I had a friend down the shore, all three of her boys had ADD and she refused as well to put them on anything. Diet; extra time and care; that was her way ...

Sue T.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Sep 16, 2005 7:17 pmre: Response: Hey Ross : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Russ Howard

Yes, I'm a member of both of Dean's networks. I respect the heck out of his opinions. He's awful young to have such wisdom. :-)

I remember when I was on Ritalin, they took me off it when I was 10, before I reached puberty. At that time, they knew it was dangerous to put kids in puberty on it. I figure it's because of all the hormones we had running around in us at that time. The ritalin probably makes them go even crazier.

Before I go on, I want to let everyone know that what I have been saying can be verified by reading books, the journal of the american medical association, or by checking out the national institute of health web site. Just so people know that I'm not totally off my rocker (well, I am off my rocker, but not completely off my rocker).

It has been shown that ADHD people have a much higher than normal penchant for addictions later in life. I'm opening a lot of my life on this network, but if it helps people, I'm all for it. I was an alcoholic at age 14. I started smoking at age 10. I have kicked both. Mostly thanks to the love of a good woman.

They think the higher rate of addiction is due to the following: ritalin works on seratonin in the brain. As do adderall and strattera (although strattera is non-narcotic). The theory is that people with ADHD have a far lower than normal seratonin level. This is why they have the excitablity, problems sleeping, etc. Seratonin works on the pleasure centers of the brain. When seratonin is low, we seek a way to bring it to normal. Several ways to do it are with drugs, alcohol, or smoking. When you take the ADHD drugs, it brings the seratonin levels to normal and allows people to control their behavior (somewhat). When you go off these drugs, within a short time, your seratonin levels go back down to what they were before and your body CRAVES ways to bring it back up. Some do it with chocolate (yes, chocolate also works on pleasure centers and is addictive), or caffeine. Others do it with alcohol or drugs or smoking.

Unfortunately, the alcohol, drugs, and smoking have nasty side effects - like death. Chocolate does too, if you eat enough. Caffeine produces MASSIVE headaches, once you become addicted, if you don't get your dosage.

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 16, 2005 10:35 pmre: re: Response: Hey Ross : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Mari Laura Skjelvik
Oh, really.MASSIVE headaches????
I am speaking coffee here.

Maybe it is beacuse I was raised on it, or maybe i is because I drink equal amount water , but I seldom have headaches when I go 2-5 days without coffee, it happens if I can't get the right organic good stuff I drink and I need to order by mail.

Drinking black tea however GIVES me headaches. Same with red wine.
But I contribute that to fugi and pestecides more than the wine itself, I have tried organic red wine and I think my head was better then.

Oh, and milk and anything dairy goives me headaches and can bring on migrenes too, bad food, bad, bad food for me.

Now, that leaves out Milk chocolate too and most chocolates, except Dark and Organic ones and really you just can't eat too much of those, well at least I can't 200 grams a day max.

just adding my personal girth to the pot here.

Happy Friday
Norwegian Coffeeaholic:)

Private Reply to Mari Laura Skjelvik

Sep 16, 2005 11:19 pmre: re: re: Response: Hey Ross : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Russ Howard

Everyone I know who has given up caffeine has had a problem with headaches.

Honestly, I never thought about the possibility that it was because we're raised on the processed brands like Folgers and Maxwell House.

From this and other posts of yours, it seems like you are very much into the organic scene and have been for a while. Could this be the reason that the regular red wines and the black teas gave you headaches? Because your body was used to the good stuff and when you drank the regular red wine your body said "I don't think so."? Of course my problems with red wine would not be due to how it is made, but how much I drink of it. :-)

I know personally that every time I try to give up or severely limit my caffeine intake, I get very bad migraines. But I am usually drinking processed brands, like Folgers.

Oh, and as for chocolate, of ANY kind, if you want to have any for yourself, don't get me within 20km of it. I'll levitate it right into my mouth. I have a kind of synergy with chocolate. I eat all I can and it promises to taste really good and wait about 2 days before it adds 10 pounds to my waistline. :-) Very synergistic.

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 16, 2005 11:29 pmre: re: re: re: Response: Hey Ross : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sylvia Svihel
Hi Russ, I live on Folgers and chocolate of all kinds, but I am only 100 pounds soaking wet :)

I also get headaches when I don't get a regular intake of chocolate and coffee.

"Life is short...eat desert first" is one of my motto's!

Take Care and God Bless


Private Reply to Sylvia Svihel

Sep 17, 2005 12:03 amre: re: re: re: re: Response: Hey Ross : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Mari Laura Skjelvik
Oh, and you really need to stop calling that coffee.

Folgers are not coffee, it is a black dust that taste ..oh I rather lick the curbs in Bronx , than drink anything like that, even the smell repells me..

oh dear , oh dear, you have to take better care of yourself than that you know.
Coffee should only be consumed in its rightful fresh state, and with right ground and brewd with clean fresh water and equipment. If it tastes awful without sugar or anything added, then do not touch it, it is not good. see:)

Quite possibly true that it is the type of good stuff that I drink that make the difference.
But be alarmed about the lack of water intake you have too.
You should drink same amount of water as coffee, and then add 12 cups of water each day ontop of that.
You are most likely dehydrated, and most people with migrines have a hydration problem leading up to the attack.
Remember that 3/4 of you body is water, and you want to keep it that way at all times.

Sounds like chocolate is a common thing to keep to ourself just so that we can get our fix:)

But I think maybe you would not favor my kind, it is very dark, and no added suger or dairy, purly devine in my mouth, but others might find it bitter and un-palatable.

In gratitude of the Good stuff

Private Reply to Mari Laura Skjelvik

Sep 17, 2005 12:15 amre: re: re: re: re: re: Response: Hey Ross : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Russ Howard

My wife is from the Philippines. I can get pure chocolate fresh off of the bush.

As for water, I know I don't drink nearly enough or, for that matter, sleep nearly enough either (about 4 hours per night). On the water, part of the reason I don't drink enough is that I just don't have the time either to drink that much or to spend that much time in the bathroom afterwards :-).

I have become, much more interested in nutrition and eating properly since about 2000. Finding Don's web site and reading the information I did on PDD really opened my eyes.

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 20, 2005 9:06 pm: Response: All : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sue T.
Ok wait a minute here. I came back to respond to Russ from the other day ...

Chocolate grows on trees? no really... does it?

As for Coffee, yes I know of the headaches you're talking about I can get a dull thud in my head too. Never a migraine though. I've weaned myself from drinking it like a fiend. A cup or two, a little one, in the a.m., oddly enough maybe 1/2 a cup in the evening. Sometimes I crave it so I let me have it.

Women crave chocolate (sorry fella's fact of life) during their cycles... that may be because it produces... Russ? What chemical for us?

I've also heard that Chocolate produces another chemical that the body makes when it's in love. ??? anyone know what that is called ? I can't remember ...

Sue :)

Private Reply to Sue T.

Sep 20, 2005 9:49 pmre: : Response: All : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Russ Howard

Yep. Check out this link to The Field Museum in Chicago. They are having a "History of Chocolate" exhibit. chocolate is made from the seeds of the cacao tree.


Same chemical.

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 21, 2005 12:04 am Response: Hey Russ : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sue T.
You know? I used to go out dancing like a mad woman that was great! I also find when I exercise or delve into the mind, like the intriquisies (sp?) of it all I'm done and could be done for days. THAT is very stimulating to me.

Watching people relate etc., seeing patterns of behaviors that crop up, or anything like that is highly stimulating to me. Course that's just my interest period. So I'm severely focused on that. Always have been.

It started a long time ago. My friends would say I was overly analytical and I'd think too much :) Now I've found the perfect outlet for it ! whoo hoo!

Sue T.

I'm sorry... You've shared quite a bit about yourself and I have to say that I'm quite proud of your accomplishments as I read them here today.

Know what I think? We don't have a problem ... everyone else does ... insert smile here.

So you know, we think one way and enhance the lives of others around us with how quickly we think and the things we're into and get so space out whenever we feel like it you know? I think that's cool...

The only reason, anyone here would think it's a bad thing to have ADD/ADHD is because they're not appreciating the beauty of it.

look at you Russ. You're like a walking encyclopedia of knowledge... I can remember other things that interest me like that too. Different topic of course but just the same, I'm a wizard at what interests me.

I think this is a good thing. I am sorry about all the things you've been through. But Russ? You have a gift... I hope you view it that way. And I hope that everyone here recognizes how cool it is to be ... quirky, if that's the right word. :) I'm unique. I've liked that... others haven't lol I'm a hellofa challenge in an argument because I digress so often, then I forget my point and have to bring something up the next day haha! It can be exhausting to focus so hard on that... But I'm worth it. So's everyone here...

I say we continue to acknowledge all of the positives and keep informing one another.

You know, in another post I wrote how difficult it has been for myself all my life to have such an amazing intuition and how people didn't believe me. That took it's toll.

However in the same breath... I realized of course, we don't lose anyone in life that we aren't supposed to lose as some are only supposed to be in our lives for a short stay anyway... and it's always "who" we talk to as well...

So... ya know... :) We're pretty lucky. Lets change all of our, each and every one of us's beliefs about this little gift ok? :)

OK! See ya later gater.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Sep 21, 2005 1:42 pmre: Response: Hey Russ : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Mariangie Gonzalez
I absolutely crave chocolate during my period. I just HAVE to have a rocky road and chocolate almond Baskin Robbins sundae with hard chocolate on top. YUM!!!

The substance is called endorphins or the "feel good" substance.

My father has a home-based business and what he sells is... chocolate, so it is my addiction, I grew up with plenty supply of it. I loooove chocolate for many reasons!


Private Reply to Mariangie Gonzalez

Sep 21, 2005 8:24 pmre: ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3 (Sue and Mari)#

Russ Howard

I appreciate the compliment, but if I'm such a walking encyclopedia, why do I always feel like I have so much to learn?

As for my accomplishments, to be quite frank, I'm alive. That in itself is an accomplishment as I didn't think I'd make it this far.

What I really consider an accomplishment, though, is making sure my family is well taken care of. When I have accomplished that and have no more worries that no matter what happens to me, they will be fine, then I will feel as if I had accomplished something.

No. ADHD/ADD is not bad in itself. Annoying, perhaps, but not bad. It's all in how you react to/with it. Look at all the great people who have or were suspected to have it - Albert Einstein, Kurt Cobain, Robert Toth, Galileo, Mozart, Beethoven, JFK, Henry Winkler (No wonder he did that "Heeyyyy!" in so many different directions), Churchill, Henry Ford, Jules Verne, Walt Disney, and TONS of other great people. A REALLY good resource on ADD/ADHD is One ADD Place. Another one is from About.com on ADD/ADHD. TONS of information on it and related disorders.


You truly need to see a psychiatrist. :-) NOONE Would EVER want to lick the curbs in the Bronx!!!! I spent a lot of time in New York growing up. There are worse places than the Bronx, but not enough to make the Bronx appealing to me (especially appealing enough to lick the curb).:-)

It sounds like I would love your coffee. I'm going to have to check out your web site when I get a few extra pennies. I'm used to Army coffee. So, I like it very strong (In the Army, we used to stand a spoon in ours to make sure it was done (I'm only half kidding about this).

Russ Howard
Eagle Computer Technologies - Fort Worth, Texas
"Helping technology make sense to everyone"

Co-Leader - Ryze Home Page Helpers Network

Private Reply to Russ Howard

Sep 21, 2005 8:57 pmre: re: ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3 (Sue and Mari)#

Mari Laura Skjelvik
Yes Russ,

we agree on the curbs in Bronx, NOONE really would want too.
But stranger things have happened in Bronx , especially after a Tequila contest and dainty chocolate cakes for hoer's on end. :)

So you would never lick the curbs and I would never drink that guff in a box. 'smile'

Strong coffee is a must, my very good friend and owner of the company Jane, logs along bags whenever she goes on drills or training. And her army buds does not drink anything else longer, think she got the hooked.

I think that you have accomplished a great deal, and have vast knowledge too, having lived it makes it so much more valuable and knowing than just reading up would make you.
You are a uniqe wonder on this earth, deal!

Happy Wednesday
Norwegian Coffeeaholic:)

"The best for the birds and you,
Organic Planet has the brew!"

Private Reply to Mari Laura Skjelvik

Sep 22, 2005 1:19 amEndorphines : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3#

Sue T.
Yah that's it! :) So really what we need to do, is have moderate amounts of Mari's good coffee and Russ will provide the chocolate!!

It would seem that we've got some of this under control.

Now the other thing we need to get under control is our limited perceptions of this particular gift.

"Gift" ...

I have a hard time remember trivia or things like that in the news etc., statistics and things. A friend of mine, would always jump to my defense about this. I asked her one day not to do that anymore because it didn't bother me and it felt as though she was defending me. In reality I didn't feel the need to feel defended, nor did I want to be.

Why? Because I didn't have a problem with it. Not at all... however in her defense of me, I ... at that time, began to "feel" as though I should feel badly. You know, hear something over and over again begin to wonder.

Since that time she's stopped.

I mean come on people... if others didn't say anything, would it bother you? Naaaaaaah. :)

Accepting who you are is key. Finding other ways around things is also key. I've been doing it all my life. Never knew why I did things the way I did but in the same breath... it never stopped me from doing what I wanted to do.

Think about that for a moment.

Sue T.

Private Reply to Sue T.

Sep 22, 2005 1:26 amRuss : ADD/ADHD and Dr. Mercola Fish Oil Omega 3 (Sue and Mari)#

Sue T.

I sent you a PM with regard to your question as to why you feel like there is so much to learn.

I had another thought after that one, or those I should say :)

We've got ADD/ADHD right? So we're naturally inclined to think and do things ... or we get what? Bored right?

Seriously though. I learn something new, every day! I still read and want to learn "more" every day. Isn't that what life is all about? To continue learning and growing and accepting ourselves for who we are? That's a part of life! I mean, think about the insights and the gifts that everyone here has... and how much many others can learn and gain from those gifts.

Look at the people that you, yourself listed here below (which I"m not going to retain :) Walt Disney! REALLY! wow... !!!

Oops got distracted ...

Well... I think I'll get off my soap box now.

Here's a question, do you all find that you sense emotions from others more readily than most?

Now there's a question ... I ask because I can.


Sue T.

Nite ya'll see you tomorrow!

Anyone notice how we remember to come over here? See? We can remember what we want to when we want to. Cept for statistics LOL :)

Private Reply to Sue T.

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